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Every week we feature a "Story Of Hope" by a one of our followers. 


We hope these stories raise awareness and inspire those who are struggling to hold on and have hope and get help if they need it. Recovery is possible. 


If you would like your story to be featured, please email for more info. Thank you! 



Port Lavaca, TX, US

It has come a long, long way. I can't express to you the deep, passionate level of hatred I used to feel about every little piece of myself physically and mentally. You're talking about a girl who felt so shitty about herself that she'd obsessively weigh in, starve for days, purposely throw up food, and run 1.8 miles every day to rid herself of imperfection. WELL that girl learned a lesson after hospitalization following hospitalization. No matter how much weight she lost, she still managed to hate herself even more. BUT wanna know what fixed it? Respecting her body. Even though I was forcefed in treatment facilities and locked out of bathrooms for an hour after mealtimes, I finally began forcing self respect in forms of actions and eventually words. You can't constantly call yourself names and dwell at yourself in the mirror and expect yourself to be happy with yourself. It doesn't work that way. You have to FORCE the affirmations so hard and so consistently until they feel real. I started eating healthier, vegan. Volunteering. Working my treatment. No cutting. No purging or restricting. None. And gradually I felt more like Hayley.

Now? I can eat in public without wanting to crawl into a hole. I can binge sometimes without wanting to shoot myself. I don't have taunting dreams about being emaciated. I hate my scars but I don't hide them everywhere I go and certainly I don't make new ones. I don't have eyelashes but the world can suck a fuck if they don't like it.
I like myself. I'm making a difference in the world and saving animals as well as myself. People can't pick at insecurities that don't exist!

Nairobi, Kenya

I was heartbroken to learn how to love, slept in the streets to strive for good shelter and learn how to accommodate, slept hungry to understand the true feeling of street urchin, denied opportunities to be me only to find my ability and strength in difficulties.. so i appreciate every beat of it and love everyone the same.MY STORY Am last born In the family of six, and raised of a single mother who after the man who father us fled for new catch leaving the family in despair..mum tried her best to bring bread at the table which proved futile, and the end result everyone was forced by situation to survive own their own. i become street boy at age of 8 years and fortunately God is still faithful and his constant love never weaver, i survived through primary education still pavements be my home and shelter,river was my Jacuzzi and garbage was my table for 3 years before i met my Good Samaritan whosupported me up Through high school level and music become my page to express  myself!


My name is Eduardo. I am 14 years old. & this is my story. I'm good at faking a smile & pretending that I'm ok. I was 8 years old when it started. At first it wasn't that hurtful. They just called me "Four eyes" & stuff. Once 3rd grade year finished, my family & I moved to Houston, Texas. It was really amazing! But school wasn't. I was the new kid who didn't have any friends. I really didn't have anyone to talk to during lunch. One day, a teacher called me a "chicken" for not wanting to participate in singing. That teacher didn't know is that I was shy. REALLY shy. After she called me "chicken" some girl started calling me the same name. Then after one month living in Texas, my parents decided to move back to California. Again, a new school. But this new school was WAY better than the other two schools. I really didn't get bullied in this school. 2 years went by where I didn't get bullied. But then middle school came along. 6th grade was the worse year EVER. Everyday I was bullied by this kid. Whenever he saw me, he kicked me, tried to trip me, pushed me, & called me names. I remember when my English teacher changed the sitting arrangement & she sat me in the worse sit ever. I was sitting in front of my bully. When the teacher wasn't looking, he would kick me. That is how cowardly he was. I was afraid to tell any teacher because I thought it would only get worse. I stayed strong that entire year. Once 6th grade ended, 7th grade came along. At first, I thought it was going to be an awesome year because I had new classmates! But I was wrong. One day, a guy called me a horrible name(I'm not going to say the name they called me.). Then his 2 other friends started calling me that same name. In the past, I would go home where I could just be happier than at school, not until my parents started to fight a lot. Then came that day, when my mom found out my dad was cheating. My dad then left the house, but still visted & stuff. I always thought “Why does this happen to me? Why coudn't happen to someone else?” I just couldn't take it anymore & one day I was in my room. I was thinking a lot. I cried. & I just felt that if I died no one would care. The door was locked & my suicide letter was in my bed. I was holding pills & had a glass of water. I was going to commit suicide, but I couldn't do it. I told my parents about this & they helped me. I was 12 years old when this happened. Then after that day, I decided that it was time to stand up for myself. I wrote a letter to my teacher that I trusted the most. I wrote her a letter because I was going to cry in front of her & I just didn't want that. So, in the letter I told her what was going on. I gave her the letter in the morning, then in the afternoon she talked to the bully. I remember her saying to the bully "How DARE you tell him that?" After that day, I never got bullied in the 7th grade. I was so grateful that I had her as a teacher. She was truly an amazing teacher. During summer vacation, I did something that I will NEVER regret. I created this account on September 2, 2011. When summer vacation ended, I went back to school. It was my 8th grade year. My last year of middle school. This year was really bad for me. I was having bad grades, some girl told me that I created fake accounts on twitter to follow myself, & my parents were still fighting. Then one day, I just had a horrible day at school & after school I was determined to cut myself. I just wanted to have friends & someone to talk to. While I was walking to my house(still determined to self harm) I heard the most amazing song called "Skyscraper" by Demi Lovato. When I heard this song for the first time, I cried because It was something that I could relate to. Hearing this song made & still makes me feel good about myself. It gives me hope. I always imagine singing this song to my bullies. One day, a kid from school posted on my Facebook wall saying "I hate you" "Go get friends." Then at the end he told me " I'm just bored. That's why I'm doing this." What he doesn't know is that those word hurt. During those dark days, I just wanted someone to be there for me. Someone I could talk to. Because of my bullies, I felt insecure about myself. Sometimes I still feel insecure. But now, I realize that their words shouldn't mean anything to me. & that the bad things that have happened to me have only made me stronger. I have stayed strong for a long time & I keep staying strong. I know that the bad things that have happened to me, are the things that made me stronger. On June 15, 2012 I graduated from middle school. Then, on August I'm entering High School! I am nervous to enter High School. I hope I meet good people & I don't have bullies in my life. Anyways, I am sharing my story because if there's anyone that is struggling with the issues that I went through, to let them know that they are NOT alone. Suicide & self harming are not the answers to your problems! Please Stay Strong<3 & know that it WILL get better! One day. I just want to thank Demi Lovato, Ellen Degeneres, Kelly Clarkson, Shane Dawson, Bree Essrig, & my followers for helping me & making me smile!



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